Self Diagnosing My Own Golf Swing

Self Diagnosing My Own Golf Swing

In this video, I talk about how I’ve gone about diagnosing my own golf swing. After not playing well and struggling with hitting shots left and right, I had to go about fixing it. After a quick video, I realized I was taking the club too quickly on...
STOP coming over the Top

STOP coming over the Top

In this video, I talk about how to stop coming over the top and hitting pulls and slices. It’s a simple drill, and all you require is a club and three golf balls. Following this drill will not only help you hit the ball from the inside but also enable you to hit...
could you Hole More Short Putts? (Part 5)

could you Hole More Short Putts? (Part 5)

could you Hole More Short Putts? (Part 5) In this video, I talk about four different parts of the of the set up and stroke to help you hole more putts. I talk about stabilizing the club face, holding the shaft more upright, making the smoothest stroke you can, and...
GET out of BUNKERS first time every time (Part 4)

GET out of BUNKERS first time every time (Part 4)

GET out of BUNKERS first time every time (Part 4) In this video, I talk about the importance of being able to get out of bunkers. I cover a standard lie, a plugged lie, and a bare lie. The technique is very simple and works every time with a bit of practice. Remember,...